Nine questions at the Design Biennial Ljubljana

Nine questions at the Design Biennial Ljubljana

Nine questions exhibited at the Museum for Architecture and Design / Design Biennial Ljubljana.

"Data’s increasing ubiquity is dependent on the planetary scale of computation, and vice versa. Digitisation and the ongoing development of data storage techniques increase its presence, use, and as a direct consequence, its abuse. How shall we defend our online sovereignty in these times? The featured artworks selected by curator Livia Nolasco-Rózsás* offer various strategies and pose further related questions every Internet user faces. Participating artists are Kim Albrecht, DISNOVATION.ORG, Hasan Elahi, Geraldine Juárez, Maral Pourkazemi and Kate Crawford (in cooperation with Deep Lab)." – MAO

Collaborator: Kate Crawford
Picture courtesy:
 Kaja Brezočnik
